Not commenting on the builder in question, but on straight-blade forks
in general:   it seems as though the reasoning behind blades with a
low, uniform bend has been largely forgotten(?)      Straight-blades
seem to be really popular right now,  but I wonder if it's only a
matter of time before the buying public realizes that they transfer
bumps directly to your wrists, and that well-curved blades are more

I understand why big-name, big volume manufacturers use straight-
blades, since they are cheaper to make.    But on custom/handbuilt-
bicycles it doesn't seem to jibe.

On Feb 28, 9:07 am, Seth Vidal <> wrote:

> I saw his bikes at nahbs, too. I noticed that my visceral response to
> straight-blade forks is fairly negative. The bike feels unfinished to
> me.
> -sv

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