David Cain in Vermont (same state that brings us Ibex and Darn Tough Socks) 
creates beautiful functional canvas panniers through his one-man operation, 
Waxwing Bag Co. He's a randonneur and all around bikey person, and I'm 
dying to have him make me a bag sometime soon.



On Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 1:42:17 PM UTC-5, Deacon Patrick wrote:
> Who makes um and what is your experience with them, especially as it 
> relates to: 
> — ease of access 
> — weatherproof 
> — bikepacking and errand daily use heartiness 
> — other issues that stand out? 
> After years of use, with my TourSacks, I discovered just how much play 
> there is with the center load (sleeping bag, pad, tent, hatchet) anchored 
> to the fabric top rather than directly to the rack. (I tried my daughter’s 
> Back-a-Bike bags). But the Back-a-Bike bags do not look weatherproof enough 
> and the wooden chord closure thingy has already snagged on bits of brush 
> and that just on the MUPS. 
> Carsick looks to be out of the waxed canvas biz. Frost River’s new Highway 
> 61 look excellent and are my most likely choice. Interestingly, when I 
> talked it over with my daughters, they agree with Grant’s design, 
> preferring ease of access to full weatherproofing. They also don’t go 
> bashing through brush the same way I do. Grin. 
> Any others doing waxed canvas panniers out there and what’s your 
> experience with them? 
> With abandon, 
> Patrick 
> www.OurHolyConception.org 
> www.MindYourHeadCoop.org 

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