This thread has touched a few sensitive issues in me, and you've seen I'm
not too good at managing them...

- Want vs. Need
- Want/Need it now vs. Can/should wait
- It's perfect now vs It's no longer perfect
- Fiscal discipline

Very interesting range of responses from everyone, there are people happy
with one bike, there are people happy with n+1 bikes and there are some
who've agreed to manage it by keeping the same n number of bikes, so when
one comes, one must go.

As for Kellie's original post, while I'm not the one who can certainly
answer his question, I can certainly say that those two original Rivendells
I purchased, the Homer and the Atlantis, have had an incredible staying
power throughout all my evolutions, changes and preferences. They are super
adaptable and can be set-up as almost anything anyone would want, except
super light bikes.

I haven't ridden the Apaloosa, so I cannot comment on it vs. the Atlantis.
But the aesthetic and emotional components of getting a "dream" bike vs. a
"just to ride" bike are certainly very powerful and if one can understand
the first two points I made above, truly understand them, the answer
usually becomes very clear and one has no regret.

These aren't rational decisions, as much as one can pretend they are. Like
my choices to go for a custom or to change the 58 Betty for the 60 Cheviot
primarily for the seat post size that could let me fit on it even better,
these are emotional at core decisions that one can either finance or not.

If one can, then it's just a hobby one enjoys; if one can't, then one
either does the right thing to wait until one can finance it responsibly,
or one chooses to behave irresponsibly.

Do what you think is right for you.

Get the one you really want or get what's available now. What will you
regret the most? Only you can answer that.


On Wednesday, August 24, 2016, Kellie <> wrote:

> Hi Chris: yes I saw your AHH up on the list. No more Rivendells? For price
> comparison, how old is your AHH?
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