Good Morning Kellie,

I am in the same boat as you.  That means that I want an Atlantis but it is 
out of my budget.   There is a butterscotch Appaloosa frameset at my LBS 
here in Dallas.  Very tempting to get it NOW.   I just read Bill Lindsay's 
thoughts, and it reinforced my thinking, which is to simply wait for what 
you REALLY want.   I am sure that the Appaloosa would be fine, look fine, 
and do everything that I want of it.   But, I have been drooling over an 
Atlantis for a long time.   I am learning to be patient.   My wife has told 
me on more than one occasion to just go for it and buy an Atlantis.   I 
LOVE MY WIFE!    But, WE have goals that require dollars and those goals 
don't include an Atlantis.   If I am honest, they don't include an 
Appaloosa either.  I keep MY bike funds and goals separate from OUR home 
funds and goals.  That means that I won't dip into our home funds to buy an 
Atlantis (even with the wife's approval) or an Appaloosa.  

BTW, since I already had the wife's approval to buy an Atlantis using home 
funds, the temptation to "settle" for an Appaloosa was particularly strong. 
  My sweet non-cyclist wife encouraged me to not settle and hold out for an 
Atlantis. Her thinking was exactly the same as Bill's.   So, I have decided 
to MAN UP and not "settle" AND not dip into the home funds even though my 
wife is okay with it.    It may take me awhile, but one day I plan to fly 
out to California, spend the day at Rivendell, hopefully meet Grant, and 
get myself a 61cm Atlantis.  


On Monday, August 22, 2016 at 11:57:50 AM UTC-5, Kellie wrote:
> Just wondering what you guys think?  I really want an Atlantis but a new 
> one is out of my budget.  Intended use is mostly off road like fire trails, 
> cross country riding; NOT crazy downhill, rock gardens etc.  Since the 
> Appaloosa is supposed to be somewhere between the Hillborne and the Hunq, 
> I'm wondering if an Appaloosa would be an appropriate  substitute?
>  Big price difference between the two. I'm sure there is a tubing 
> difference. But the Appaloosa has the Hunq fork so that's plenty strong. 
> Maybe better cosmetics, detailed lugging on the Atlantis.  So you say why 
> not get a Hunq? But if I'm going to pop for a new Hunq I might as will buy 
> a new Atlantis. What do you think?

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