We have set up 2 or 3 Rohloffs. They seem to be very durable. I have
not yet had to do any significant service to the Rohloffs we've sold
and set up.

On Nov 18, 10:17 am, Ray Shine <r.sh...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> --- On Wed, 11/18/09, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery <thill....@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> The customer service tech suggested that the hub was
> being "over-torqued" and told me that IGHs were for cruisers and other
> low-torque applications. Good for grandma to ride to church on
> Sundays, but not adequate for a vigorous cycler, apparently.
> Jim -- That's interesting that he made such a comment.  That didn't happen to 
> be a certain high-end German manufacturer did it?  The reason I ask is that 
> -- as I spoke about a few posts back-- I toured cross Nevada, Utah, Colo 
> Rockies with a guy who rode a Thorn fitted with a Rohloff 14-speed.  I have 
> to tell you, that hub appeared bulletproof to me.  David was a real masher, 
> too, having been a mountain biker all his cycling life, and the hub never 
> held him back.  David is from England, and those hubs are more common over 
> there, so perhaps he has a knack for the proper riding with an internal.  
> Anyway, I was just curious if you have had any experience with the Rohloff 
> brand.  I know they are very pricey, but, as I said, appear to be quite 
> long-lasting.
> Ray


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