There are at least two different fabrics with which the MUSA shorts/
knickers/pants have been made. The year-old butternut/olive shorts and
pants I have are made of thin wispy nylon a la Ex Officio Amphi pants.
The grey/blue pants and olive shorts I have are much more substantial;
different enough that I wear the grey/blue pants down to about 40
degrees before I switch to wool-under-butternut/olive (down to about
20 degrees). Below 20 it's wool-under-grey/blue; maybe a lot of wool
if it's way below 20!

Grey/blue alone are good for rain down to 45-50, butternut/olive are
really only good for 65+ rain. They're really different.

In all of them, though, the crotch is that tough Taslan stuff, I

The butternut/olive ones are billowy even on me (6', 250lb). The
others are more normal. Billowy is fine for me, especially when it's
90+. No speed racer I!

I'm sure they aren't the only reasonable clothes for cycling that
exist. But I've been *very* happy riding in almost all MUSA/RBW almost
all the time since I started biking as part of my commute.

Thomas Lynn Skean

On Nov 12, 11:47 pm, beth h <> wrote:
> I got a pair of the shorts some years ago, and I like them as summer
> knockabout shorts AND as swim trunks (Sun damage requires I cover up
> more than most swimsuits allow). Because I live in the rainy NW, I
> never thought about buying the pants or knickers -- the fabric would
> be too lightweight for most of my commuting, for three seasons of the
> year.
> Beth
> On Nov 11, 10:19 am, jim_OLP <> wrote:
> > I'm considering them ...
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