I'll put trying the Paselas on the list of things to do... :-)

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 10:20 AM, Seth Vidal <skvi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Rene Sterental <orthie...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Thanks for all the feedback.
> >
> > - The question on tires is a very good one, as I am completely beffuddled
> by
> > all the 29" tire choices out there. On my AHH I'm running Schwalbe
> Marathon
> > Supreme 35 tires and I like them a lot. It's the first time I've ever
> owned
> > Schwalbe tires. On my mountain bike, I am now running Specialized 26"
> tires,
> > a 2.3 Eskar Control on the front and a Captain Control 2.0 on the back
> and I
> > like them a lot. I run them tubeless, and am considering whether to try
> and
> > go tubeless on the Bombadil as well.
> > - These same tire choices are available as 29" options, and I feel
> inclined
> > to go with them but can't say they are really the best option for the
> > Bombadil. Since I'm getting the size 60, according to the Rivendell
> specs, I
> > can run up to 2.3 tires with no issues.
> >
> > I'm open to more suggestions, there is still some time before I have to
> make
> > the final choices... :-)
> Buy a set of 35mm paselas  and toss them on the AHH - see if they
> magically make things even better than they are.
> It's a $40 investment for a full bikes-worth of the non-tg,
> non-folding paselas and they are a fantastic tire.
> -sv
> >

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