RBW has never shown any inclination to get into IGH bikes, and I'm ok
with that.

On Oct 23, 8:43 am, Mike <mjawn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hard to say whose bike will arrive first but they'll both be great.
> Mike F. has a good thing going with his bikes. As someone pointed out
> he did a blog post about taking on custom work. Seems like he has a
> great plan for avoiding long waits. I'll be curious to see what his
> prices are. I'm sure his bikes will still be too expensive for me.
> http://antbikemike.wordpress.com/2009/10/16/custom-bicycles/
> My Surly CC sported a Riv inspired set-up prior to purchasing my
> Ramobuillet, now it's more of an ANT Boston Roadster inspired set-up:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/41335...@n00/3990486445/
> I wonder if Rivendell well ever have a bike designed around an
> internal hub.
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