Thanks for posting this, Chris. My own guiding principle in such matters is
"nil novum sub sole" and my guiding rule is that any theory (in diet as in
other matters) that purports to be radically different will go away within
a decade.

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 12:15 PM, 'Chris Lampe 2' via RBW Owners Bunch <> wrote:

> Believing that carbs are the sole or even primary cause of obesity
> requires you to completely disregard the bulk of humanity that exists on a
> high carb diet and yet is healthy.
> I follow a lot of nutrition websites, including several run by folks with
> PhD's in the biological sciences and who do professional research in
> nutrition and obesity.  They say that nobody in the relevant scientific
> community takes Taube's theory seriously.  Research reportedly shows that
> low-carb and low-fat diets have equally dismal results at one year out.
> These same scientists admit that some people do seem to benefit from a
> low-carb diet but it is very far from a requirement.  In fact, one of the
> most well respected bloggers (she wrote a well loved criticism of "The
> China Studay" and it's call for a vegan or vegetarian diet) presented a
> talk in which she found that among diabetics, a low-carb diet controls the
> systems but a low-fat diet (<10% fat and primarily vegetarian) actually
> CURES diabetes.
> My favorite blogger is a guy named Stephan Guyenet.  He's an obesity
> researcher and his theory is that it's simply a calorie surplus that is
> caused by a combination of factors.  Excess refined carbs are definately
> one of them but his primary emphasis is food palatability, which theorizes
> that certain combinations of fat, salt, sugar and refined carbohydrates
> alters our neurological appetite regulation, causing us to overeat.  Our
> horrible food environment is also noted as a culprit.   His personal
> recommendation is a diet of whole foods (a good idea that few could argue
> with and that most diets incorporate) with an emphasis on starches and
> vegetables with smaller amounts of animal proteins.....just like the blue
> zone people who have the highest longevity rates in the world.
> It's way more complex than just carbs.
> On Wednesday, November 5, 2014 10:00:36 PM UTC-6, Evan wrote:
>> Jay Hartman: I, too, have asked that question: Namely, if I'm already
>> slender and healthy and reasonably fit, would a low-carb, high-fat diet
>> make me healthier still? Perhaps it would. And perhaps Grant's book will
>> help to explain. In the meantime, I think Gary Taubes said something to the
>> effect of this: If you're fat, carbs did it. If you're not fat, you're not
>> fat.
>>  --
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things, endureth all things. . . . And now abideth faith, hope, money,
these three; but the greatest of these is money. *
     -- George Orwell, Keep The Apidistra Flying*

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