I'll play. I prefer greens and blues generally, as colors go.  Turquoise 
has always been a fascinating color for me, as is the seam foam of the 
Atlantis.  I've never been drawn to purple - depending on the shade for me 
it ranges from indifferent to unpleasant.  But, at the risk of splitting 
hairs, I'm inclined to believe the Saluki is lilac which evokes the poetry 
of Walt Whitman.  So whereas the green bike is by definition faster, the 
lilac one is poetic.

Ian A.

(Edited - for some reason my original draft blended John Donne with Walt 
Whitman - don't ask me why).

On Wednesday, May 21, 2014 10:47:18 PM UTC-6, Tony DeFilippo wrote:
> By Bill and Tony (and Amy and Steve)
> Almost ten years later two Saluki's get dragged into a garage to compare 
> life story's and go home with new riders!  My Purple-Luki (#0017, via Amy) 
> and Bill's Green-Luki (#008, via Steve) are two great looking bikes.  Both 
> size 60cm Saluki's and the only noticeable frame delta is the lower 
> placement of the low rider braze on's for the Green-Luki.  How cool is it 
> to see these two side by side as bare frames!?!  I couldn't be happier with 
> my 'fairway green' bike and it sounds like Bill is looking forward to 
> building up a striking Moustache Bar'd rig with the Agapanthus Purple... 
> seems like a win win!
> Bill wanted to poll the list on personal color preferences between the 
> two... obviously he and I have already cast our votes but we're curious 
> where the RBW-OB's are on the Green vs Purple.  What say you?!?
> Regardless it is cool to know a bit about the history behind a used frame 
> ('rolling art' as Bill said on Sunday)...
> <https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-lcYZ1SSDjoc/U31_qAUq2yI/AAAAAAAAECQ/rCJDtJ4sFdM/s1600/DSC_3602.jpg>
> <https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-Jt9AEcNucJY/U31_wIXqPMI/AAAAAAAAECY/kL8awEmtsUQ/s1600/DSC_3606.jpg>
> <https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-TY2rrX-DPSM/U31_1z3FpBI/AAAAAAAAECg/auH0xpH6r7s/s1600/DSC_3610.jpg>

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