Waterford makes the Boulder Bicycles frames and the three I've seen  
all had d/t shifter mounts. So they do know how to do it!


On Aug 28, 2009, at 13:18, JoelMatthews <joelmatth...@mac.com> wrote:

>> Perhaps this lack of flexibility is reflective of what
>> Waterford is willing to accept.
> Waterford could be driving this.  From their site it appears the only
> frame offered with DT braze ons is the (actually rather attractive)
> Hetchins Swallow Tribute touring bike.  None of the Waterford road
> racing bikes have DT braze ons.  GP's write up said he put more of the
> design specs in Waterford's hands because he was trying to meet a
> specific weight total.  Maybe Waterford believes accommodating DT
> braze ons adds too much weight.
>> Finally, having only white available as a standard color (with an
>> upcharge of $300.00 for another color), strikes me as rather like
>> Henry Ford's options for the model T (any color available, as long as
>> it was black).
> This has always been Riv's policy on paint though.  In this instance,
> I do not mind, as the stock Roadeo scheme is close to the Trek 959,
> the bike I dreamed about owning during my High School days.
> On Aug 28, 2:07 pm, Jim Cloud <cloud...@aol.com> wrote:
>> I'm not in the market for another bike, so any comments are simply
>> reflective of my own opinion.  It seems strange to me that Grant, who
>> was always an exponent of not using shifting components that required
>> "system compatibility" has agreed to spec the Roadeo so that its  
>> braze-
>> on's are only really useful with a shift integrated (e.g. Shimano)
>> system.
>> I also find it perplexing that Rivendell, apparently, will not
>> accommodate a customer request to have downtube shifter bosses on the
>> frame.  This is not a cheap bicycle, $2,000 is a good chunk of
>> change.  Perhaps this lack of flexibility is reflective of what
>> Waterford is willing to accept.
>> Finally, having only white available as a standard color (with an
>> upcharge of $300.00 for another color), strikes me as rather like
>> Henry Ford's options for the model T (any color available, as long as
>> it was black).
>> Jim
>> On Aug 28, 11:06 am, JoelMatthews <joelmatth...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>> Aren't band attached down tube mounts available?
>>> Indeed there are.
>>> However, I have two lovely NOS sets of Simplex braze on dt levers  
>>> with
>>> the sunburst (the older, harder to get in good NOS condition Simplex
>>> levers), an NOS Simplex white plastic braze on set and two beautiful
>>> NOS Campy Record braze on lever sets.
>>> I readily admit we are going into persnickity parts collector
>>> territory here, but I really would like to have a bike where I could
>>> rotate use of some of those lovely old parts
>>> Maybe if I had some swell clamp on sets I would feel differently.
>>> Real nice NOS clamp on shifters are far and few between, however.  I
>>> have been actively collecting for six years now and can only  
>>> remember
>>> one or two being offered for sale.
>>> Besides, it would look kind of odd to have such a lovely frame with
>>> unused cable routers above a clamp on shifter.
>>> On Aug 28, 12:33 pm, Bruce <fullylug...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> Aren't band attached down tube mounts available? IIRC, many early  
>>>> steel frames had cable guides and bottle holders attached by wrap  
>>>> around bands, not braze ons, so this would not be that unusual.
>>>>> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 9:48 AM,  
>>>>> JoelMatthews<joelmatth...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Well, it is not exactly like the bikes raced by Jacques  
>>>>>> Anquetil and
>>>>>> Eddy Merckx as it does not have down tube shifter braze ons.-  
>>>>>> Hide quoted text -
>>>> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> >

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