
 I saw Addidas Samba Millenium indoor soccer shoes recommended here, and tried 
a pair. I like them a lot for riding. WIth Grip Kings (MKS Lambdas) no strap is 
needed for efficient comfortable pedaling. With MKS Sylvan Touring, I prefer 
Power Grips. I do pull up (with hip flexors) when using the straps, but few 
people do much on the up stroke no matter what.

The shoes:


From: Mike <mjawn...@gmail.com>
To: RBW Owners Bunch <rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:19:52 PM
Subject: [RBW] Shoe recommendations for pedaling free.

So I'm thinking I'll use my Grip King pedals for my upcoming tour. I'm
curious what people like for "pedaling free". I went bike camping last
night, 120 miles roundtrip so I got a good idea about if this will
work. For the most part the shoes I'm using now, old style Vans, are
fine although I did develop a bit of a hot spot. I'm thinking a new
pair of shoes will rectify the situation and I may just go with Vans
again but I'm curious what others are using.

Also, I did the ride in MUSA shorts and an REI SS button front shirt
and this also worked well. I just don't see the need or sense of
riding in bibs and clipless pedals for this tour.


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