on 7/8/09 11:09 AM, Gino Zahnd at ginoza...@gmail.com wrote:

> I have a reliable source* that tells me it'll be 1" for both.  And a
> shim + 1 1/8th stem for the threadless version. There are several
> sources for shims, etc.  I have a lot of interest in this bike due to
> its "fragile" tubing (I weigh 135lbs), and there seem to still be a
> good number of 1" threadless high end stems around as well. The stem
> thing doesn't worry me.

FWIW - I was referring more to the dearth of 1" threadless headsets.
Although, I _do_ seem to have one of those left over from the my last CX
frame.... And then I could use my Nitto stem again...

Oh, man... I think I better start selling some things.

- Jim 

Jim Edgar

Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
Current Classics - Cross Bikes
Singlespeed - Working Bikes

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"Then I sat up, wiped the water out of my eyes, and looked at my bike, and
just like that I knew it was dead"

-- Robert McCammon, "Boy's Life"

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