

Can you quantify this any better?


I run a Son hub on my brevet bike and a Shimano n71 on my commuter.  I put way 
more miles in all types of weather on my commuter and the Shimano hub is still 
going strong.  I have ridden it through 3 New England winters.   I bought it 
because it was cheaper and a failure on a commute is not as critical to me as a 
failure on a brevet.


In your experience how many seasons of year round riding does the average 
Shimano n70/71/72 make it through before needing to be replaced?  How many 
years for the SON before being replaced or needing a rebuild?  


Since I was considering having a new set of Brevet wheels built and was 
thinking about using a shimano hub this information will be quite helpful.



Larry Powers 


"just when you think that you've been gyped the bearded lady comes and does a 
double back flip" - John Hiatt 

> Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 09:05:55 -0700
> Subject: [RBW] Re: shimano alfine generator hubs
> From: thill....@gmail.com
> To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> The Alfine is one of the higher-end Shimano dynamo hubs. I have no
> experience with it. But experience with other Shimano dynamos is that
> they are functionally comparable to a SON in everything but
> durability. Winter filth around here kills them, and they are not
> serviceable.
> Jim Thill
> Minneapolis, MN
> On Apr 2, 10:09 am, Seth Vidal <skvi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Has anyone come across one of these, yet:
> >
> > http://bike.shimano.com/publish/content/global_cycle/en/us/index/prod...
> >
> > b/c they look very very shiny and I'm curious how they stand up to the 
> > SON's.
> >
> > -sv
> > 

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