
I ride my Quickbeam in the Tyler TX area and find my self shifting
less and less frequently.  I pick a geat at the begining of the ride
and stick with it.  If I end up with a long slog into the wind or a
steep uphill, I would drop it down a gear...assuming I'm not already
in the low one.


On Jan 27, 5:30 pm, "colin p. cummings" <>
> As a survey of sorts, how many QB owners out there do much gear
> changing on a regular or semi-regular basis?  I just bought a used QB
> frame and am wondering if a 4-gear configuration would be worth it.  I
> live in a pretty flat place (TX panhandle) and can only imagine
> changing gears to climb out of a canyon...
> Cheers,
> Colin Cummings
> Amarillo, TX
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