I know one QB rider actually switches gear in the middle of the ride.
It only takes a minute if you done it a few times but I will not do
that myself.  Not because one minute will change the ride, but I don't
like getting cold and get grease on my fingers if I don't have to.

For a while I was going to do a 42/39 in the front and 17/20 in the
rear fixedgear, but after a while I drop that idea because when I ride
fixedgear, I ride one gear.  If I want gears, I bring my other bike
with gears.

Just my 2 cents.

On Jan 27, 4:03 pm, Elfardo <clifwrightpho...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hey Colin,
> Man, I don't think I'd bother with 4 gears up in the flatlands. I ride
> two (68 inches and 53 inches I think) down here in Austin and that's
> plenty.
> I've considered getting a dos for the hill country but kinda doubt I
> will anytime soon. Just doesn't seem like I need to. Of course, the
> hills aren't as much of an issue as wind up on the caprock. Still, I
> think the 50ish inch low gear would work fine.
> You're going to dig the Quickbeam.  If I make it up to see the kinfolk
> with my QB we'll have to find some dirt roads to ride.
> Ride on,
> Clif Wright
> On Jan 27, 5:30 pm, "colin p. cummings" <colinthehip...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > As a survey of sorts, how many QB owners out there do much gear
> > changing on a regular or semi-regular basis?  I just bought a used QB
> > frame and am wondering if a 4-gear configuration would be worth it.  I
> > live in a pretty flat place (TX panhandle) and can only imagine
> > changing gears to climb out of a canyon...
> > Cheers,
> > Colin Cummings
> > Amarillo, TX

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