I occasionally contemplate that option... not quite able to pull it off
though :-)

On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 2:06 PM, James Dinneen <jfxdinn...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I doubt that there are many "sane" people on this list with only one, good
> all round bike. It may be another question as to how many "sane" people,
> looking for just one all round bike Grant would reach looking for a larger
> market, beyond his niche.  Jim D.
> --- On *Sun, 1/18/09, James Warren <jimcwar...@earthlink.net>* wrote:
> From: James Warren <jimcwar...@earthlink.net>
> Subject: [RBW] Re: Rivendell Bike Models Page - some updates
> To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> Date: Sunday, January 18, 2009, 2:19 PM
> My experience with the Ram and AHH is that they provide the same amazingly
> wonderful riding experience. I can't tell a difference on roads. And for me,
> it's a different experience than the RB-2
>  which I wouldn't take on a
> super-long ride, but I definitely climb a 2-mile hill in significantly less 
> time
> on the RB-2 than I do on the other two.
> I'm guessing that a Heron Road or a mid-90's Rivendell Road standard
> would be on the spectrum between RB-2 and Ram. I've heard others on this
> list say that it is certainly not the same bike as the Ram. So making a 
> modest,
> affordable, short-reach-brake Taiwan version of a bike with Heron road 
> geometry
> (and mini-rack braze-ons) is not a re-introduction of the Ram.
> But now that I read my little story above about being faster on the climb on
> the RB-2, I'm starting to see that the market for such a bike might be too
> small, as people have said. Once in a while, I care about being 90 seconds
> faster on that hill, and it's fun to see how the Bridgestone influences
> that. I'm a big enough bike nut that I keep several bikes around just for
> such little games. But other people
>  are more sane and just want a good
> "road bike", not many variations all around the house. If they are
> bent towards caring about the 90 seconds faster on the hill, and apparently 
> many
> people are, then it seems that many of them are headed towards a carbon fiber
> Specialized or whatever. And it's hard to compete with that. For their
> intended purposes, those bikes are really good.
> -Jim W.
> -----Original Message-----
> >From: MichaelH <mhech...@gmail.com>
> >Sent: Jan 18, 2009 10:43 AM
> >To: RBW Owners Bunch <rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com>
> >Cc: Michael Hechmer <mhech...@gmail.com>
> >Subject: [RBW] Re: Rivendell Bike Models Page - some updates
> >
> >
> >Those of us, like myself, who can afford more than one bike, often
> >prefer to have bikes optimized around specific kinds of riding.  In
> >that case a "go  fast" road bike - one designed for centuries
>  or
> >shorter rides without carrying a lot of gear, and with nimble road
> >manners makes a lot of sense.
> >
> >I still have and ride a custom 1988 ,full campy, tubular tired,
> >Marinoni stage racing bike.  This bike is built out of standard guage
> >Columbus tubing and sports a World Championship heritage.  I also have
> >a Ram, outfitted with RP tires, Honjo fenders, and a small Carradice
> >bag.  Theses bike have amazingly similar rides.  The Ram is a little
> >more stable, less quick handling, but it climbs, descends and responds
> >much like the Marinoni.  So I'm skeptical of the argument that
> >standard guage  bikes plane better than OS tubing ones.  Maybe for a
> >145 lb rider, but not for a 175 lb rider.  I have a standard guage
> >early Trek which planes nicely too, as does my OS Ebisu All Purpose.
> >My winter and off road bike - a Soma Dble X definitely bogs down going
> >uphill.
>  Whatever causes a bike frame to respond to rider input is
> >something other than just tubing dimension.  I suspect overly stiff
> >tubes as the culprit.
> >
> >Bottom line, the Ram, with OS tubing and nimble geometry serves a
> >unique and joyful purpose.  I hope Grant decides to bring it back so
> >more people can discover what fun it is to ride this bike.
> >
> >On Jan 18, 12:10 pm, "Lisa -S.H." <harmo...@fairpoint.net>
> wrote:
> >> I don't think it's accurate or fair to categorize those who
> ride 25c
> >> tires and like to (or would like to) ride fast(er) as either a
> "roadie"
> >> or a "weight weenie".   Heck, I found my original 38c tires
> were
> >> overkill for me, and I like to ride both slow AND fast.  (though
> >> admittedly my 'fast' is probably equivalent  to most other
> people's
> >> 'slow')     ;)
> >> Just my two
>  cents.
> >> Lisa
> >>
> >

Redlands, CA

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