Well one could view these jinx events as stimulating the economy.
That is, if one was inclined to gild the lillys.


On Jan 4, 2009, at 7:12 AM, George Schick wrote:

> Gentlemen, please - we need some positive indicators of how 2009 is
> going to play out.  These are not good signs...
> On Jan 3, 9:37 pm, Eric Norris <campyonly...@me.com> wrote:
>> The jink hit you, too?  I was about 13 miles from home out in the
>> farmland when the upper jockey pulley on my derailleur froze.  Had to
>> stop pedaling--the pulley could not be budged.  I hoofed it about a
>> half-mile to a left turn where the 3/4 headwind I had been riding  
>> into
>> turned into a tailwind.  I hoped that the wind would push me the last
>> few miles into the next town.
>> I tried coasting.  That was going slow, so I gingerly tried pedaling
>> again.  Somehow, the pulley freed up enough to pedal.  Yay!
>> Then I got my first flat of the day, in the front.  Pulled over and
>> put the spare tube in, aired it up and ... the spare had a hole in
>> it.  Patched the original tube, put it in, aired it up, and ... the
>> patch didn't hold.
>> Started walking again--it was about two miles to town.  Hadn't gotten
>> far when a friendly fellow cyclist driving *away* from my destination
>> offered to give me a ride into town.  Very nice of him.
>> Unloaded the bike at the shop, and found that the rear tire had also
>> sprung a leak.  A huge goats-head thorn was sticking out of the tire.
>> Finally got to a bike shop where I installed two new tubes, got two
>> new spares, and had them put on a new jockey pulley.  My wife drove
>> out to pick me up :-)
>> I plan to ride the same bike tomorrow, just to prove that I can ...
>> Wish me luck.
>> --Eric
>> campyonly...@me.comwww.campyonly.comwww.wheelsnorth.org
>> On Jan 3, 2009, at 7:24 PM, CycloFiend wrote:
>>> Yep, yep, yep....
>>> on Friday I post a response thusly:
>>> "Of course, I have (and still do) spent some time fixing flats on  
>>> the
>>> trailside. _FEWER_ _NOW_ (emphasis added), but there is a learning
>>> curve."
>>> and on Saturday, I entertain myself in this manner:
>>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/cyclofiend/3165391970/
>>> Note that in addition to being tubeless (generally carry at least a
>>> couple),
>>> I also had stowed my normally-in-the-pack chain tool in the Toolbox
>>> as well,
>>> so when I came across the visiting from France rider with the rental
>>> bike
>>> and the tweaked sideplates, I was unable to be a OTT* Saviour...
>>> I forget, do I count or throw salt for a self-induced jinx?
>>> - J
>>> *OTT - "On The Trail"
>>> --
>>> Jim Edgar
>>> cyclofi...@earthlink.net
>>> Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries -http://www.cyclofiend.com
>>> Current Classics - Cross Bikes
>>> Singlespeed - Working Bikes
>>> Send In Your Photos! - Here's how:http://www.cyclofiend.com/
>>> guidelines
>>> "That which is overdesigned, too highly specific, anticipates
>>> outcome; the
>>> anticipation of outcome guarantees, if not failure, the absence of
>>> grace."
>>> William Gibson - "All Tomorrow's Parties"
> >

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