Yep, yep, yep.... 

on Friday I post a response thusly:

"Of course, I have (and still do) spent some time fixing flats on the
trailside. _FEWER_ _NOW_ (emphasis added), but there is a learning curve."

and on Saturday, I entertain myself in this manner:

Note that in addition to being tubeless (generally carry at least a couple),
I also had stowed my normally-in-the-pack chain tool in the Toolbox as well,
so when I came across the visiting from France rider with the rental bike
and the tweaked sideplates, I was unable to be a OTT* Saviour...

I forget, do I count or throw salt for a self-induced jinx?

- J

*OTT - "On The Trail"

Jim Edgar

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"That which is overdesigned, too highly specific, anticipates outcome; the
anticipation of outcome guarantees, if not failure, the absence of grace."

William Gibson - "All Tomorrow's Parties"

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