If you put it in your qmail-smtpd run file, it will scan every email
coming/going from the server.

That includes vpopmail.


Scott Lammers said:
> Hello,
> I really need some help with q-mail scanner and yes, I have read as much
> as I can get my hands on, including the FAQ.  I have FreeBSD with Qmail,
> tcpserver, etc, Vpopmail, sqwebmail, vqadmin, qmailadmin, qmail-scanner
> and clamav.  I have installed everything and everything works properly,
> including q-mail scanner.  I ran the tests and clamav catches the test
> virus and everything is fine.  I need to get clam to scan vpopmail mail.
> I have tried adding QMAILQUEUE to the qmail run file and tcp.smtp with
> no luck.  Yes, I know at the bottom of the qmail-scanner FAQ, it says it
> won't work.  Has anyone gotten qmail scanner or any other scanner to
> work with VPopmail?  Any advise would be gladly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Scott

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