Ok, VPS is a 'virtual' dedicated server. You have a root envoriment, running as a virtual machine on one large and powerful host system. They only thing in theory which you cannot change is the kernel of your virtual machine, as this ties in to the kernel on the host machine.

Unfortunalty, a companie called sq-soft makes their own VPS solution, virtuozzo. This runs the same way as the virtual servers, except alos you have their control panel pre-installed with the OS. This is plesk. Plesk is really the only way to deal with multiple domains, webusers, apache configurtions etc, so I can't get rid of it. This control panel has some closed source binaries which make system config changes, pipe program output etc. They have custom compiles of programs like qmail and bind, hence my need for qmail-scanner to bodge a rejection, rather than patch qmail.

Sure, I should just go and find a non-plesk virtual server, or dedicated server even. The issue is funding, things are running tight, and somehow I am keeping things running on far less money than it should take to run. I get my plesk system, unlimited domains, 256MB of dedicated memory and 8GB of shared memory on the dual Xeon host. 15GB of disk space too. I can't find this type of service elsewhere for $40.

I am in contact with the people who make plesk, I'm trying to get them to give me their compile setup for qmail. If I manage to get this then I won't need all of this hassle with qmail-scanner. However I don't think it is likely I will.


Jason Haar wrote:


This is getting off-topic - but you've got me curious :-)

Whjat exactly is the environment you are in? You say you are responsible for Qmail-Scanner - but you can't change Qmail itself? How is that possible? You must have root access - so you can alter any package as you see fix can't you?

You refer to VPS - what's that? Are you in control of your own server or not?

You also say a lot of other people are in the same position as you. I can tell you I certainly assume Qmail-Scanners "market" is owners of systems - not end-users - so making Q-S do things because you can't control the OS software isn't a situation I expect a lot of others to be in - but you say otherwise...

You've piqued my interest :-)

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