Miloska wrote:


I found Jorge Valdes's mail in the list archive, I tied his patch
which can reject virus and spam during the smtp session, and I like

I think that this function would be realy grate in the main QS tree as
well, and it would be good  base to devel some new 'scanner' like
mfdnscheck ( or chkuser (check
for vpopmail users if they are exist or not).

I am suffering from dictionary spam attacks causing qmail-scanner with clamav and SA to overload the servers memory and now and then crash it. When the spammer connects and starts firing off all these emails, before qmail can just dump the ones to non-exising addresses, they go through clamav and spamassassin. Quite often these spams will have attachments too with spyware inside, so these are scanned. It would be great to have the qmail-scanner script give the option to check for a mailboxes validity, and if it does not exist, reject it at the smtp level. This could be done by recompiling qmail-smtpd, but I have a plesk system which uses a custom qmail-smtpd so I can't patch.

I use the feature of SpamAssassin SA_REJECT, so it must be possible to reject mail for invalid addresses from within qmail-scanner too. I have exactly how to implement it worked out, I just can't code perl. I took a look at a few tutorials and had a try, but it didn't work, I had errors about variable syntax etc. I program php and find perl quite confusing and chaotic! I have been trying to find somebody kind enough to add this small feature in to the script for me but found nobody yet.

The headers are all there in variables, there is already a subroutine to make the rejection on the smtp level. You can split the email variable around '@' and check the /var/qmail/users/assign file for a name that matches and is on the correct domain.

It would be such an easy thing for a perl developer to manage, and it would probably stop my server crashing with these spam dumps. Anyone willing to give it a shot?

I know this are available in some patches, but usualy this patch are
not compatible, so if you want apply more than one usualy you have to
do it by 'hand' - and as I know the distributions (I'm sure that at
least debain) add some patches to the original source, so if you want
some own patch and you want to use your system package managger you
have to be quite good in your packages-managger. QS would be (is) much
more easier.

I did read the Philosophy behind Quarantining... section,  but i think
the best would be if  the sysadmin could choise what (s)he want.

So, would it be possible to migrate this patch to the main tree?
Somebody interested in to write some other 'sanner', for example this two?

bye, sorry about my english

ps: i tried to use spamassassin to do mfdnscheck, so i tried give 100
points to mails which from address is not a valid domain, but I did
not find a test like this...somebody find this?

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