> But no-one has explained why it is better than the current system!
> Instead of giving a SMTP error, you get a personally written, 
> virus-specific
> report send to your address.
> If the virus was generated by a trojan, neither option would 
> cause the user
> to be notified. 
> If this was a real user, sending a virus-infected file, then 
> both methods
> would cause the user to be notified. However, a 550 bounce doesn't say
> "jack" compared with what the custom-written alerts of 
> Qmail-Scanner do...
> -- 
> Cheers
> Jason Haar

I feel the whole justification for returning a 5xx is that it is more
accurate (granted its more limited in the information it provides) where
as sending notifications is less accurate - look at the hoops Q-S jumps
thru to determine if a notification is to be sent.  I personally do not
have any notifications turned on and have no way of notifying a
legitimate sender.  I feel that limited information is better than none.


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