Hi all,

I'm having weirdness from qmail-scanner/clamscan.  Firstly, here is what 
I'm using:
        SoL (Server optimised Linux) - a SuSE variant
        netqmail-1.05 (the package with the QMAILQUEUE patch)

Next, here is what is working:
        qmail - mail is coming and going beautifully
        clamscan - picks up test and live signatures
        qmail-scanner - adds its header info and picks up MIME problems nicely
Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] by host02 by uid 1012 with 
 (clamscan: 0.68.  Clear:RC:0(
 Processed in 0.096787 secs); 18 Mar 2004 03:11:26 -0000

BUT (and this is the only thing that isn't working), if I send a message 
with an attachment that contains a virus signature, qmail-scanner/clamscan 
isn't picking it up.  Here is what I get in qmail-queue.log:
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 13:24:45 +1100:21327: +++ starting debugging for process 
21327 by uid=1012 at Thu, 18 Mar 2004 13:24:45 +1100
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 13:24:45 +1100:21327: setting UID to EUID so subprocesses 
can access files generated by this script
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 13:24:45 +1100:21327: program name is 
qmail-scanner-queue.pl, version 1.20
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 13:24:45 +1100:21327: d_m: starting 
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 13:24:45 +1100:21327: run /usr/local/bin/clamscan -r 
--disable-summary --max-recursion=10 --max-space=1000000 
 /var/spool/qmailscan/tmp/host02107957668546121327 2>&1
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 13:24:45 +1100:21327: --output of clamscan was:
--return code was: 11 --
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 13:24:45 +1100:21327: clamscan: finished scan of dir 
"/var/spool/qmailscan/tmp/host02107957668546121327" in 1.935319 secs

You will immediately notice that I have added something to the debug 
output.  I wanted to see the return code so I made the following change to 
the qmail-scanner-queue.pl file (it's in the &debug line):
  $DD=`$clamscan_binary $clamscan_options $ENV{'TMPDIR'} 2>&1`;
  $clamscan_status=($? >> 8);

  &debug("--output of clamscan was:\n$DD--\n--return code was: $? --");

As you can see I'm using the raw $? value (and not $? >> 8), just in case 
there is something meaningful in this number.

Now, just to test whether clamscan was broken, I cut and pasted some of the 
commands from the debug log to the command line with the following results:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: /tmp/x: /usr/local/bin/reformime -x/tmp/x/ <~xp/VirusText.msg
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: /tmp/x: /usr/local/bin/clamscan -r --disable-summary 
--max-recursion=10 --max-space=1000000 /tmp/x/ 2>&1
/tmp/x//1079577089.21458-0.host02: OK
/tmp/x//virus.zip: ClamAV-Test-Signature FOUND
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: /tmp/x: echo $?

VirusText.msg is the raw mail format file saved straight out of "mail".

I have tried tweaking $clamscan_options but have exhausted my own stock of 
        adding --log=/tmp/clamav.log breaks it
        adding --database=/usr/local/share/clamav doesn't change anything
        adding --verbose or --debug don't change anything either

Does anybody have any ideas?

If this list manager will accept attachments, I can send a copy of 
VirusText.msg and a full copy of the debug log... let me know.

Paul Norris
NDR / Datasend Australia Pty Ltd
Ph:     03 9764 1799
Fax:    03 9764 1599
Web:    www.ndr.com.au

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