Paul Norris wrote:
Hi all,

I'm having weirdness from qmail-scanner/clamscan. Firstly, here is what


Thu, 18 Mar 2004 13:24:45 +1100:21327: --output of clamscan was:
--return code was: 11 --

I had this exact same problem a couple of months ago - basically what's happening is that clamscan is more memory than your SOFTLIMIT allows and is getting killed before it can scan anything. There are two ways to fix this:

1) Increase your SOFTLIMIT so clamscan can run

2) Start clamd and connect to it with clamdscan from qmail-scanner. This means that clamscan is not run in the same process so the memory limits aren't of concern.

I went with the second option because it was easier, plus this could theoretically allow you to move the virus scanning daemon to another machine for load balancing if needed.


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