myDoom is hiting our servers continuisly, so I've disabled notifications, but it is also filling my HardDisk with all those mails in quarantine.

I think that if I quarantine somenthing I need a notifications but if I don`t have notifications, quarantining is a waste of time and hard disk space.

But notifications are useful. So I've prepare a little piece of code to drop "myDoom" and don't send notification, here it is:


  #Now, start the scanners!
  #if (!$quarantine_event) {


# MyDoom
if ($quarantine_description=~/doom/i) {
&debug("myDoom: Another myDoom virus, dropping");
#&minidebug("myDoom: Another myDoom virus, dropping");
&debug("--- all finished. Total of ",tv_interval ($start_time, [gettimeofday])," secs");
#&minidebug("------ Process $$ finished. Total of ",tv_interval ($start_time, [gettimeofday])," secs");
exit 0;

Remember that all the lines must finish in a ";" or "{" or "}" so pay attention to the lines that your mailer will wrap...

If you are using version "1.20st", you can uncomment the "minidebug" lines.

I am thinking about this ideas:

1) The lastest viruses/worms always use a faked sender. Notifications??

2) If a virus scanner finds a virus, Is it useful to quarantine it?

3) I can reject a virus in the smtp session instead of notifying the sender...

4) Woul be useful to add a "delete_virus_array" similar at "silent_virus_array"?

5) There is no point in run first perl scanner (Jason was right)

I am working in a new version of my patch, any comments about this ideas or others are wellcome.



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