Quoting Josh Trutwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 10:19:08 +0200
> "Arno Slatius" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I ran into the same problem. I think the problem lies with spamassassin
> > because it queries the database for the settings of the user which is
> > handling the mail at that moment. qmail-scanner runs as the qmailq user
> so
> > that is the user who is queried. Normally you'd put the spamc line in the
> > users dot-qmail file. At that moment delivery is done by qmail-local who
> > runs as the local user and the database is queried for his/her settings.
> > 
> > For me the only solution was to put the spamc line in the dot-qmail
> files.
> > An other option would be to put it in the defaultdelivery control file.
> There is a patch for qmail scanner that allows you to pass the username to
> spamc correctly.  I don't remember the URL, try googling for qmail-scanner,
> mysql, spamassassin, patch or check the list archives.  It would be a nice
> thing to have in the main qmail-scanner source as I'm sure a number of users
> would like this feature "out of the box".
> Josh
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Isnt this what this in the CHANGES for rc1 is? 
* SpamAssassin now sets the spamc "username" field to the recipient address.
This only happens if there is ONE recipient. If a spammer sends a spam to 20
local users in one SMTP session, then no user-specific SA rules will
apply, but all the general SA rules still do of course. Note: As spamc
must be passed the recipient address on the commandline, Q-S has to strip
back the e-mail address to shell-friendly chars - this should be fine for
99.9% of your e-mail addresses, but may mean that the more odd addresses won't
be able to access their user-specific SA options. The address is also lowercased
before being passed to spamc. Note that all this has no effect on the recipient
address of the e-mail - just the address used for "spamc -u ..."


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