On 01/18/2012 08:39 AM, Hu Tao wrote:
Hi Paolo,
I found a problem that a virtio-scsi disk gets offline during mkfs.
The scsi disk is of 100G or bigger, and the corresponding image
is a freshly created qcow2 image. If the disk is small enough, or
not freshly created, the problem doesn't appear.
Hi Hu,
I cannot reproduce this with a 100G qcow2 image (created with "qemu-img
create scsi.qcow2 100G" just before launching the host), with a
partition starting at sector 2048 and extending to the end of the disk.
mkfs (ext4) takes less than 1 minute and extends the qcow2 file to a
little less than 2 gigs.
Can you send the partition table ("file -s /dev/sda" should be enough)
and any output you get from the dmesg?