Current QAPI 'migrate' command design (for initiating a migration
stream) contains information regarding different migrate transport mechanism
(tcp / unix / exec), dest-host IP address, and binding port number in form of
a string. Thus the design does seem to have some design issues. Some of the
issues, stated below are:

1. Use of string URIs is a data encoding scheme within a data encoding scheme.
   QEMU code should directly be able to work with the results from QAPI,
   without resorting to do a second level of parsing (eg. socket_parse()).
2. For features / parameters related to migration, the migration tunables needs
   to be defined and updated upfront. For example, 'migrate-set-capability'
   and 'migrate-set-parameter' is required to enable multifd capability and
   multifd-number of channels respectively. Instead, 'Multifd-channels' can
   directly be represented as a single additional parameter to 'migrate'
   QAPI. 'migrate-set-capability' and 'migrate-set-parameter' commands could
   be used for runtime tunables that need setting after migration has already

The current patchset focuses on solving the first problem of multi-level
encoding of URIs. The patch defines 'migrate' command as a QAPI discriminated
union for the various transport backends (like socket, exec and rdma), and on
basis of transport backends, different migration parameters are defined.

(uri) string -->  (channel) Channel-type
                            Migration parameters based on transport type


Author Het Gala (5):
  migration: Updated QAPI format for 'migrate' qemu monitor command
  migration: HMP side changes for modified 'migrate' QAPI design
  migration: Avoid multiple parsing of uri in migration code flow
  migration: Modified 'migrate-incoming' QAPI and HMP side changes on
    the destination interface.
  migration: Established connection for listener sockets on the dest

 migration/migration.c | 133 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 migration/socket.c    |  31 +--------
 migration/socket.h    |   5 +-
 monitor/hmp-cmds.c    | 101 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 qapi/migration.json   | 143 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 softmmu/vl.c          |   2 +-
 6 files changed, 344 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)


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