Thanks Richard for the detailed comments/code pointers! I've switched to
using MO_ALIGN_16 and implemented record_sigbus and do_unaligned_access
hooks to simulate #GP(0) as suggested. Given what was said about the low
likelihood of implementing #AC anytime soon, I have hardcoded #GP(0) in
these hooks for now rather than plumbing through an extra bit in MemOp.
Let me know if that seems reasonable, thanks!

Ricky Zhou (1):
  target/i386: Raise #GP on unaligned m128 accesses when required.

 target/i386/tcg/excp_helper.c        | 13 ++++++++
 target/i386/tcg/helper-tcg.h         | 28 +++++++++-------
 target/i386/tcg/sysemu/excp_helper.c |  8 +++++
 target/i386/tcg/tcg-cpu.c            |  1 +
 target/i386/tcg/translate.c          | 49 ++++++++++++++++++----------
 target/i386/tcg/user/excp_helper.c   |  7 ++++
 6 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)


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