
I guess I got very unlucky because I happened to pull the docker
images from the mainstream registry in a very short time frame
where they jumped back in time... Then I kept using them to run
my tests during 1 week trying to understand why I was having odd
build failures. Then I realize the Ubuntu docker images were out
of sync. I pulled again and it was working, so I searched for the
mainstream job producing the outdated images and found a pipeline
pushing the 'stable-6.0-staging' branch. This branch doesn't
contain the recent gitlab-ci and Dockerfile changes...

Similarly, this branch doesn't contain commit eafadbbbac0
("gitlab: only let pages be published from default branch") so
outdated documentation got pushed for a short time.

This patch won't fix branches pushed from the past, but at least
it should avoid to reproduce this problem in the future.

Any idea how to improve the GitLab infrastructure to avoid these
kind of problems in the future? Is it possible to enforce
restrictions from the project configuration, rather than the
repository YAML file?



Philippe Mathieu-Daudé (1):
  gitlab-ci: Only push docker images to registry from /master branch

 .gitlab-ci.d/container-template.yml | 11 ++++++++++-
 .gitlab-ci.d/edk2.yml               | 11 ++++++++++-
 .gitlab-ci.d/opensbi.yml            | 11 ++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)


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