On 2020/2/11 上午5:45, Vikram Garhwal wrote:
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Normal mode Tx. */
+ generate_frame(&frame, data);
+ can_bus_client_send(&s->bus_client, &frame, 1);
I had a quick glance at can_bus_client_send():
It did:
QTAILQ_FOREACH(peer, &bus->clients, next) {
if (peer->info->can_receive(peer)) {
if (peer == client) {
/* No loopback support for now */
if (peer->info->receive(peer, frames, frames_cnt) > 0) {
ret = 1;
which looks not correct. We need to use qemu_send_packet() instead of
calling peer->info->receive() directly which bypasses filters completely.
[Vikram Garhwal] Can you please elaborate it bit more on why do we need to
filter outgoing message? So, I can either add a filter before sending the
packets. I am unable to understand the use case for it. For any message which
is incoming, we are filtering it for sure before storing in update_rx_fifo().
I might be not clear, I meant the netfilters supported by qemu which
allows you to attach a filter to a specific NetClientState, see
qemu_send_packet_async_with_flags. It doesn't mean the filter
implemented in your own NIC model.
Also, I can see existing CAN models like CAN sja1000 and CAN Kavser are using it
same can_bus_client_send() function. However, this doesn't mean that it is the
correct way to send & receive packets.