On Thu, Feb 06, 2020 at 02:44:45PM +0100, Markus Armbruster wrote:
> Markus Armbruster <arm...@redhat.com> writes:
> > Kevin Wolf <kw...@redhat.com> writes:
> >
> >> Am 05.02.2020 um 11:03 hat Markus Armbruster geschrieben:
> >>> Kevin Wolf <kw...@redhat.com> writes:
> [...]
> >>> > Adding a key gets more complicated with your proposed interface because
> >>> > state must be set explicitly now whereas before it was derived
> >>> > automatically from the fact that if you give a key, only active makes
> >>> > sense.
> >>> 
> >>> The explicitness could be viewed as an improvement :)
> >>
> >> Not really. I mean, I really know to appreciate the advantages of
> >> -blockdev where needed, but usually I don't want to type all that stuff
> >> for the most common tasks. qemu-img amend is similar.
> >>
> >> For deleting, I might actually agree that explicitness is an
> >> improvement, but for creating it's just unnecessary verbosity.
> >>
> >>> If you'd prefer implicit here: Max has patches for making union tags
> >>> optional with a default.  They'd let you default active to true.
> >>
> >> I guess this would improve the usability in this case.
> Thinking and writing in the "Making QEMU easier for management tools and
> applications" monster thread have made me realize we're mixing up two
> aspects that ought to be kept separate: machine-friendly QMP and
> human-friendly CLI.
> You argue that
>     $ qemu-img amend -o encrypt.keys.0.new-secret=sec0 test.qcow2
> is nicer than
>     $ qemu-img amend -o 
> encrypt.keys.0.state=active,encrypt.keys.0.secret=sec0 test.qcow2
> and you do have a point: humans want their CLI terse.  Redundancy is
> unwanted, except perhaps to protect users from dangerous accidents.  In
> this example, state=active is redundant when a secret is given, because
> anything else would be an error.
> In QMP, however, we like things simple and explicit, and we eschew
> magic.
> This particular magic might just be simple enough to be acceptable in
> QMP.  We'd "merely" have to support explicit defaults in the schema (a
> clear improvement if you ask me), and optional union tags (tolerable as
> long as the default comes from the schema, I guess).
> My point is: QAPI schema design *must* focus on QMP and nothing else.
> If we try to serve both QMP and human-friendly CLI, we'll likely botch
> both.
> I believe a truly human-friendly CLI requires more than just
> human-friendly concrete syntax for QMP.  Same as HMP, really.

A human-friendly approach to this problem would never even
have the generic "amend" design IMHO. Friendly would be to
have a CLI that is approx the same as "cryptsetup" provides

    $ qemu-img add-key /path/to/disk
    enter key>..
    re-enter key>...


    qemu-img add-key --keyfile /some/file.txt /path/to/disk

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