Daniel, Kevin, any comments or objections to the QAPI schema design
sketch developed below?

For your convenience, here's the result again:

    { 'enum': 'LUKSKeyslotState',
      'data': [ 'active', 'inactive' ] }
    { 'struct': 'LUKSKeyslotActive',
      'data': { 'secret': 'str',
                '*iter-time': 'int } }
    { 'union': 'LUKSKeyslotAmend',
      'base': { '*keyslot': 'int',
                'state': 'LUKSKeyslotState' }
      'discriminator': 'state',
      'data': { 'active': 'LUKSKeyslotActive' } }

Markus Armbruster <arm...@redhat.com> writes:

> A keyslot can be either inactive or active.
> Let's start low-level, i.e. we specify the slot by slot#:
>     state       new state   action
>     inactive    inactive    nop
>     inactive    active      put secret, iter-time, mark active
>     active      inactive    mark inactive (effectively deletes secret)
>     active      active      in general, error (unsafe update in place)
>                             we can make it a nop when secret, iter-time
>                                 remain unchanged
>                             we can allow unsafe update with force: true
> As struct:
>     { 'struct': 'LUKSKeyslotUpdate',
>       'data': { 'active': 'bool',       # could do enum instead
>                 'keyslot': 'int',
>                 '*secret': 'str',       # present if @active is true
>                 '*iter-time': 'int' } } # absent if @active is false
> As union:
>     { 'enum': 'LUKSKeyslotState',
>       'data': [ 'active', 'inactive' ] }
>     { 'struct': 'LUKSKeyslotActive',
>       'data': { 'secret': 'str',
>                 '*iter-time': 'int } }
>     { 'union': 'LUKSKeyslotAmend',
>       'base': { 'state': 'LUKSKeyslotState' }   # must do enum
>       'discriminator': 'state',
>       'data': { 'active': 'LUKSKeyslotActive' } }
> When we don't specify the slot#, then "new state active" selects an
> inactive slot (chosen by the system, and "new state inactive selects
> slots by secret (commonly just one slot).
> New state active:
>     state       new state   action
>     inactive    active      put secret, iter-time, mark active
>     active      active      N/A (system choses inactive slot)
> New state inactive, for each slot holding the specified secret:
>     state       new state   action
>     inactive    inactive    N/A (inactive slot holds no secret)
>     active      inactive    mark inactive (effectively deletes secret)
> As struct:
>     { 'struct': 'LUKSKeyslotUpdate',
>       'data': { 'active': 'bool',       # could do enum instead
>                 '*keyslot': 'int',
>                 '*secret': 'str',       # present if @active is true
>                 '*iter-time': 'int' } } # absent if @active is false
> As union:
>     { 'enum': 'LUKSKeyslotState',
>       'data': [ 'active', 'inactive' ] }
>     { 'struct': 'LUKSKeyslotActive',
>       'data': { 'secret': 'str',
>                 '*iter-time': 'int } }
>     { 'union': 'LUKSKeyslotAmend',
>       'base': { '*keyslot': 'int',
>                 'state': 'LUKSKeyslotState' }
>       'discriminator': 'state',
>       'data': { 'active': 'LUKSKeyslotActive' } }
> Union looks more complicated because our union notation sucks[*].  I
> like it anyway, because you don't have to explain when which optional
> members aren't actually optional.
> Regardless of struct vs. union, this supports an active -> active
> transition only with an explicit keyslot.  Feels fine to me.  If we want
> to support it without keyslot as well, we need a way to specify both old
> and new secret.  Do we?
> [*] I hope to fix that one day.  It's not even hard.

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