On Mon, Nov 04, 2019 at 11:50:11PM +0000, Hanson, Seth via wrote:
> I'm looking for in-depth documentation pertaining to how an unsupported 16 
> bit RISC ISA can be emulated in Qemu.
> I've referenced this:
> https://wiki.qemu.org/Documentation/TCG
> and have been hoping there's additional, related documentation that I've 
> overlooked.

The general advice I've seen is:

1. Look at existing TCG targets to learn how to implement aspects of
   your ISA.

2. If you are unfamiliar with emulation, CPU ISA, or just-in-time
   compiler concepts, try to read up on them and then look back at the
   QEMU code.  Things will be clearer.

You're welcome to join #qemu IRC on irc.oftc.net to ask questions.

Good luck!


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