On Fri, 25 Oct 2019 at 17:40, Keith Packard <kei...@keithp.com> wrote:
> Alex Bennée <alex.ben...@linaro.org> writes:
> > I can see the use for this but I'd like to know what you are testing
> > with. We only have very basic smoketests in check-tcg but I've tested
> > with the latest arm-semihosting tests and they are all fine so no
> > regressions there.
> I'm adding semihosting support to picolibc
> (https://keithp.com/picolibc/) and need a way to automate tests for it's
> SYS_READC support, so eventually I'll have automated tests there, but
> that depends on qemu support...

I have a cheesy-but-functional set of test code
here, fwiw.

> Argh! Just git operation failure -- I'm building another patch on top of
> this (for RISC-V semihosting support) and the stubs/semihost.c change
> got caught in there. My overall check for changes missed this mistake.

Is there a specification for RISC-V semihosting? This is
likely to be my first question when the support comes
round for review, so you can have it early :-)  We'd
prefer to implement specified interfaces, not random
ad-hoc "this seems to be what newlib wants to see,
which is turn got hacked together by copying some other
architecture's code".

> Here's what the docs say:
>         https://static.docs.arm.com/100863/0200/semihosting.pdf
>         Return
>         On exit, the RETURN REGISTER contains the byte read from the console.
> If this call didn't block, they'd have to define a value which indicated
> that no byte was available? Openocd also implements SYS_READC using
> 'getchar()', which definitely blocks. So, at least qemu would be the
> same.
> I realize it's really weird to block the whole emulation for this call,
> but given the target environment (deeply embedded devices), it's quite
> convenient as the whole qemu process blocks, instead of spinning.

Yeah, the docs could perhaps spell it out more clearly, but
the intention is that the call blocks.

It's possible if necessary to implement this so it doesn't
block the entire simulation: you just have the QEMU implementation
do a block-until-character-or-timeout operation, and if it times
out then you rewind the guest PC to point at the BRK/HLT insn that
triggered the semihosting call, and resume simulation. That would
give an opportunity for things like interrupts to fire before going
back into waiting for a character. This feels to me like it's a bit
overcomplicated unless it turns out we actually require it though.

> I also thought this would be a nice cleanup. However, the last caller to
> qemu_chr_fe_set_handlers gets the focus for input, and connect_chardevs
> is called before the serial ports and monitor are initialized, so
> semihosting gets pushed aside and stdio input ends up hooked to the monitor
> instead.

Isn't the answer to this "don't use a command line that tries
to connect stdio to multiple things" ?

-- PMM

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