On 26.04.19 13:36, Christian Borntraeger wrote:
> On 26.04.19 13:32, David Hildenbrand wrote:
>> On 26.04.19 13:10, Christian Borntraeger wrote:
>>> 8561 and 8562 will be gen15 machines. There is no name yet, lets us use
>>> the cpu id as base name. Later on we can provide aliases with the proper
>>> name.
>>> Signed-off-by: Christian Borntraeger <borntrae...@de.ibm.com>
>>> ---
>>>  target/s390x/cpu_models.c | 2 ++
>>>  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/target/s390x/cpu_models.c b/target/s390x/cpu_models.c
>>> index d683635eb5..dd6415103f 100644
>>> --- a/target/s390x/cpu_models.c
>>> +++ b/target/s390x/cpu_models.c
>>> @@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ static S390CPUDef s390_cpu_defs[] = {
>>>      CPUDEF_INIT(0x3906, 14, 1, 47, 0x08000000U, "z14", "IBM z14 GA1"),
>>>      CPUDEF_INIT(0x3906, 14, 2, 47, 0x08000000U, "z14.2", "IBM z14 GA2"),
>>>      CPUDEF_INIT(0x3907, 14, 1, 47, 0x08000000U, "z14ZR1", "IBM z14 Model 
>>> ZR1 GA1"),
>>> +    CPUDEF_INIT(0x8561, 15, 1, 47, 0x08000000U, "8561", "IBM 8561 GA1"),
>>> +    CPUDEF_INIT(0x8562, 15, 1, 47, 0x08000000U, "8562", "IBM 8562 GA1"),
>>>  };
>> Thinking out loud, I know that official names are not published yet.
>> Looking at the recent history (z13, z14), my educated guess would be
>> z15. I guess pretty much everybody would guess that.
> Not sure about trademark aspects - especially if this really becomes z15. The 
> smaller
> machine has no real history (ZR1 vs. s vs BC). So I think I would rather have 
> a correct
> number than a partially correct name.

We could also use "gen15a" and "gen15b", still better to get than magic
numbers. (yeah well, they are not magic)

If you want to stick with numbers, be aware that cpu numbers are not
injective, so at some point we will need e.g. "8561.2", just so you're
aware of the implications.



David / dhildenb

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