On 18/03/2019 18:05, Alberto Garcia wrote:
> On Thu 21 Feb 2019 04:26:38 PM CET, Andrey Shinkevich wrote:
>> The test case TestParallelOps::test_stream_parallel in #030 fails
>> if a base node is protected by the block-stream running job that
>> includes the base node into the job node list (block_job_add_bdrv)
>> without BLK_PERM_GRAPH_MOD shared permission.
>> The block-stream job would own the base node not allowing it to go
>> away due to the graph modification, e.g. when a filter node is
>> inserted above a top node of the parallel job. That's, the base
>> node was shared between the two parallel jobs.
>> This patch excludes sharing the node by inserting additional nodes
>> inbetween.
> So what we have now is:
> A <- B <- C <- D <- E <- F <- G <- H <- I
> and we can launch four parallel block-stream jobs:
> From C (base) to A
> From E (base) to C
> From G (base) to E
> From I (base) to G
> These jobs share nodes (the base node of each one is the active node of
> the next), but that's ok. From the base node we only require that the
> guest-visible data does not change.
> If I understand it correctly your patch blocks the base node for the
> stream job, so it's not possible to share it anymore like we are doing
> now and you need to insert additional nodes.
> This seems unnecessary. I wrote this test to check precisely that very
> scenario. It works and I don't see any reason why it shouldn't. As I
> said in the e-mail that I sent some minutes ago, if what we want is to
> prevent the base node from disappearing it seems that we have better
> tools for that now.
> Berto
Thank you, Berto, for your response.
I am about to complete a new version of the series that demonstrates
the issue with the given test when a filter node is inserted for every
block-stream parallel job. The series includes the last update with
the frozen backing chain.
With the best regards,
Andrey Shinkevich