2019/3/12, Eric Blake:
> On 3/12/19 2:51 PM, Unai Martinez-Corral wrote:
> > This patch breaks backward compatibility.
> >
> Is it worth a mention why we don't consider backwards-compatibility for
> this script to be very important?

'persistent' is a quite recent feature (8 monts) which seems not to be
widely know. See, e.g., the references in
So I think that it is almost harmless.

Regarding 'credential', I don't know.

> > Both '--persistent' and '--credential' default to 'no'. Hence, '-p no'
> > or '-c no' are reduntant. Overall, accepting an argument might be
> redundant
> (Maintainer could fix up the typo without you needing to send v8, if the
> only thing I find are minor like that)

Good catch.

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