On 04/10/2018 03:03 PM, Emilio G. Cota wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 14:24:23 +1000, Richard Henderson wrote:
>> On 04/10/2018 02:11 AM, Emilio G. Cota wrote:
>>> On Mon, Apr 09, 2018 at 16:01:36 +0200, Bastian Koppelmann wrote:
>>>> Thanks for doing this grunt work. Me and a colleague were planning to do
>>>> this as well after converting the RISC-V frontend to decodetree. Do you
>>>> have any plans to do this for the TriCore frontend as well? I have the
>>>> same plan for Tricore: Convert it to decodetree, then to translation loop.
>>> I won't do any further conversions in the near future, so please go
>>> ahead with your plans :-)
>> In which case I won't review Emilio's final two patches for risc-v.

I'm confused as well :). I don't understand why Richard is not reviewing
the last two patch. Maybe you can clarify as well, Richard.

> I might be mistaken but my impression is that Bastian would be happy taking
> these risc-v patches (w/ a minor correction, already noted) since he
> has not yet started the TranslatorOps conversion he planned.
> Bastian, can you please clarify?

Sure, I can take the three RISC-V patches into my tree and send a pull
as soon as the next development cycle start.


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