On 07/18/2017 04:22 PM, Cleber Rosa wrote:

> +++ 087.out.bad 2017-07-18 17:01:37.736038689 -0400
> @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
>  Testing:
>  {"return": {}}
> -{"error": {"class": "GenericError", "desc": "aio=native was specified,
> but it requires cache.direct=on, which was not specified."}}
> +{"error": {"class": "GenericError", "desc": "aio=native was specified,
> but is not supported in this build."}}
>  {"return": {}}
>  {"timestamp": {"seconds":  TIMESTAMP, "microseconds":  TIMESTAMP},
> "event": "SHUTDOWN", "data": {"guest": false}}
> Failures: 087
> Failed 1 of 1 tests
> When either "--disable-linux-aio" is given or when libaio headers are
> missing, which in the end means that CONFIG_LINUX_AIO won't be set in
> config-host.mak or config-host.h.

Or, instead of splitting the test, we could just add another post-test
filter that does sed 's/"aio=native[^"]*/"aio=native missing/' and
update the expected output accordingly.

> 2) Skip tests based on features more easily.  There's already support
> for skipping tests on various situations.  From 087:
> ...
> _supported_fmt qcow2
> _supported_proto file
> _supported_os Linux
> ...

There's also _notrun (for example, see test 183, which checks whether
'migrate -b' works before getting on to the rest of the test).

> It's trivial to also have access to other compile time settings.  I did
> a quick experiment that would add a "_required_feature" function to
> "common.rc".  For 087 (or 190?) it would look like:
> ...
> _supported_fmt qcow2
> _supported_proto file
> _supported_os Linux
> _required_feature CONFIG_LINUX_AIO
> ...
> Does it make sense?  Would a patch series along those lines would be
> welcomed by reviews?

Seems reasonable, if it makes it easier to mark particular tests as
requiring certain subsets of configure options.

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3266
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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