On 12/04/2016 13:58, Aleksandar Markovic wrote:
> @@ -3200,11 +3200,17 @@ FLOAT_RINT(rint_d, 64)
>  #define FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_ZERO      0x200
>  #define FLOAT_CLASS(name, bits)                                      \
> -uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (uint ## bits ## _t arg)    \
> +uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (CPUMIPSState *env,         \
> +                         uint ## bits ## _t arg, uint32_t is_msa)    \
>  {                                                                    \
> -    if (float ## bits ## _is_signaling_nan(arg)) {                   \
> +    float_status* fst;                                               \
> +                                                                     \
> +    fst = (is_msa == 1) ?                                            \
> +        &env->active_tc.msa_fp_status : &env->active_fpu.fp_status;  \
> +                                                                     \
> +    if (float ## bits ## _is_signaling_nan(arg, fst)) {              \
>          return FLOAT_CLASS_SIGNALING_NAN;                            \
> -    } else if (float ## bits ## _is_quiet_nan(arg)) {                \
> +    } else if (float ## bits ## _is_quiet_nan(arg, fst)) {           \
>          return FLOAT_CLASS_QUIET_NAN;                                \
>      } else if (float ## bits ## _is_neg(arg)) {                      \
>          if (float ## bits ## _is_infinity(arg)) {                    \

Let's make it a common function which takes float_status passed from FPU and
MSA helpers and avoid is_msa:

 #define FLOAT_CLASS(name, bits)                                      \
-uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (uint ## bits ## _t arg)    \
+uint ## bits ## _t float_ ## name (uint ## bits ## _t arg,           \
+                                   float_status *fst)                \
 {                                                                    \
-    if (float ## bits ## _is_signaling_nan(arg)) {                   \
+    if (float ## bits ## _is_signaling_nan(arg, fst)) {              \
         return FLOAT_CLASS_SIGNALING_NAN;                            \
-    } else if (float ## bits ## _is_quiet_nan(arg)) {                \
+    } else if (float ## bits ## _is_quiet_nan(arg, fst)) {           \
         return FLOAT_CLASS_QUIET_NAN;                                \
     } else if (float ## bits ## _is_neg(arg)) {                      \
         if (float ## bits ## _is_infinity(arg)) {                    \
@@ -3227,6 +3228,12 @@ uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (uint ## bits 
## _t arg)    \
             return FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_NORMAL;                      \
         }                                                            \
     }                                                                \
+}                                                                    \
+                                                                     \
+uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (CPUMIPSState *env,         \
+                                          uint ## bits ## _t arg)    \
+{                                                                    \
+    return float_ ## name(arg, &env->active_fpu.fp_status);          \

 FLOAT_CLASS(class_s, 32)

And in MSA:

+    float_status *status = &env->active_tc.msa_fp_status;
     if (df == DF_WORD) {
-        pwd->w[0] = helper_float_class_s(pws->w[0]);
-        pwd->w[1] = helper_float_class_s(pws->w[1]);
-        pwd->w[2] = helper_float_class_s(pws->w[2]);
-        pwd->w[3] = helper_float_class_s(pws->w[3]);
+        pwd->w[0] = float_class_s(pws->w[0], status);
+        pwd->w[1] = float_class_s(pws->w[1], status);
+        pwd->w[2] = float_class_s(pws->w[2], status);
+        pwd->w[3] = float_class_s(pws->w[3], status);
     } else {
-        pwd->d[0] = helper_float_class_d(pws->d[0]);
-        pwd->d[1] = helper_float_class_d(pws->d[1]);
+        pwd->d[0] = float_class_d(pws->d[0], status);
+        pwd->d[1] = float_class_d(pws->d[1], status);


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