Am 13.06.2010 um 07:16 schrieb Izumi Tsutsui:

Please email the patch to via git-send-email.
Isn't the following post enough? What's incomplete on this?

That is still not a proper git-format-patch patch, it is missing among others the From: and Subject: lines and, likely, a more detailled description of what it does and why, for maintainers to be able to apply it with the git-am tool.

But first it needs to be reviewed and ack'ed by people knowing that part of the code, and such review is done by inline patches on qemu- devel mailing list, not by HTTP links to bugtrackers (there are simply too many patches). The git-send-email tool assures that the format is not damaged by your favorite mail agent.

Hope that explains,


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