On 17.02.2016 11:29, Kevin Wolf wrote:
> Am 16.02.2016 um 19:08 hat Max Reitz geschrieben:
>> There may be BlockBackends which are not returned by blk_by_name(), but
>> do exist and have a name.
> Really? And if so, isn't this a bug?
Depends on your definition of what the name is. :-)

As you said on IRC, denoting the monitor reference by that name seems
reasonable, so in that case it would be wrong behavior indeed.

> I expect that a BB is always either visible to the user and has a name
> that is resolved to this BB everywhere, or it's entirely internal and
> doesn't need a name therefore.
> Having a BB that is internal and therefore invisble, but has a name and
> prevents the creation of another BB or BDS with the same name, must
> certainly be confusing for the user.

Yep, will change.


>> blk_name_taken() allows testing whether a
>> specific name is in use already, independent of whether the BlockBackend
>> with that name is accessible through blk_by_name().
>> Signed-off-by: Max Reitz <mre...@redhat.com>
> Kevin

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