On Mon 21 Dec 2015 08:40:26 PM CET, John Snow <js...@redhat.com> wrote:
> However, better flexibility also plays a part. Say we have two devices:
> [drive0]: [X] --> [Y] --> [Z]
> [drive1]: [A] --> [B]
> In theory, we should be able to commit Z into Y into X while we
> simultaneously perform a backup from X to A. We definitely can't do that
> now.
> There may be some better use cases -- backups, fleecing and other
> read-only operations in particular have a high likelihood of being able
> to run concurrently with other operations.
> We definitely *can* just extend the old API to allow for these kinds of
> things, but since it represents a new paradigm of job manipulation, it's
> easier to just extend the block jobs api into a new "jobs" API and allow
> the system to expand to other subsystems.

That sounds good to me. Since I'm trying to achieve something similar
with the block-stream operations (two or more ops in parallel) I'll try
to follow this new API closely.



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