On 24/11/15 03:28, Programmingkid wrote:

>> I've just done some testing here on my 9.2.2 ISO and I've found the
>> following:
>> - Removing "Apple Audio Extension" appears to prevent some kind of
>> corruption which allows MacsBugs to give non-corrupt stack traces
>> - The resulting stack trace points at "AINI 8042 05AE Startup ASLM PPC"
>> - Further removing "Open Transport ASLM Modules" allows boot to proceed
>> nearly all the way except for a hang just before the progress bar
>> reaches the end
>> - Finally removing "Multiprocessing" allows boot to proceed all the way
>> to the desktop
>> Alfonso/John can you confirm whether removing these 3 extensions works
>> for your images too? If you are able to run the OS 9 installer all the
>> way through and manually mount the hd images to remove them by hand
>> before the next boot, do you end up with a bootable OS 9 HD image?
> Which version of Macsbug are you using? Do you have an 9.2.2 image file
> available for download that has macsbug installed? I tried installing Macsbug
> 6.6.3 into my iso file, but Mac OS 9 always stops booting right before the 
> debugger
> message is suppose to appear.
One other thing I forgot to mention: if you install MacsBugs onto your
ISO, you need to provide some mouse or keyboard input around the time
when the happy mac icon appears (I normally capture the mouse and move
it around a little), otherwise as you mention you see a freeze just
before "Debugger Installed" appears.

My guess is that MacsBugs is trying to work out whether to use ADB or
USB for keyboard, so unless the OS 9 ADB driver gets any input then it
can't decide and hangs on boot. Then again this could be another bug
somewhere in the QEMU ADB emulation...



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