On Fri, 20 Nov 2015, Alfonso Gamboa wrote:
booting into MacOS9 with qemu to the Desktop is now possible, see:


Very nice.

On Nov 20, 2015 7:46 AM, "Programmingkid" <programmingk...@gmail.com> wrote:
I use to have the same belief until Mark set me straight. We are only
making an emulator of a new world Mac, not a simulator of a PowerMac3,1.
This means we might be able to get away with not exactly mirroring a real
Mac. The fact that Mac OS 9 can boot up at all does give me hope we are on
the right path.

I'm clear on that but what I've meant was that we probably have to make a closer emulation of the real PowerMac (not one to one but close enough) to make OSes written for that hardware happy. I think we are missing some i2c and gpio emulation that these OSes might expect but I'm not sure.

One thing that might help to hint at what's missing is to compile QEMU with DEBUG_UNASSIGNED (this will generate a lot of logs) and try to find out what is accessed that is not emulated.


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