On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 8:07 AM, Dennis Luehring <dl.so...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Am 08.09.2015 um 21:00 schrieb Richard Henderson:
>> Anyway, I've just fixed the sparc problem and re-pushed the tree to
>>    git://github.com/rth7680/qemu.git  tcg-search-2
>> for anyone who wants to do any more testing.
> strangly your branch doesn't changed anything for pure SPARC64 in my tests -
> i've always completely removed the qemu folder and cleanly rebuild
> (all based on stable shell-scripts)

Can you please show "perf top" of the qemu-system-sparc64 process on
the host, when your g++ compilation is running?


> and now even qemu git master stream results degrated to the worst results
> from my former tests
> last result from stream on an 3-4 week old git master - best of all test
> Function    Best Rate MB/s  Avg time     Min time     Max time
> Copy:             771.5     0.214717     0.207377     0.244214
> Scale:            288.1     0.573320     0.555401     0.660161
> Add:              423.5     0.633523     0.566661     1.092067
> Triad:            242.9     1.053032     0.987970     1.499563
> are parts of your patches already includes in the master?
> ~/qemu/sparc64-softmmu/qemu-system-sparc64 \
>   -m 1G \
>   -nographic \
>   -serial mon:telnet::3000,server,wait \
>   -monitor telnet::4440,server,nowait \
>   -netdev user,id=mynet0 \
>   -device ne2k_pci,netdev=mynet0 \
>   -hda ~/ramdisk/netbsd-615-sparc64.qcow2 \
>   -cdrom ~/netbsd/NetBSD-6.1.5-sparc64.iso -boot c \
> NetBSD SPARC64 (pure 64Bit)
> file /usr/bin/gcc
> /usr/bin/gcc: ELF 64-bit MSB executable, SPARC V9, relaxed memory ordering,
> (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for NetBSD 6.1.5, not
> stripped
> gcc prime.c -o prime.out -lm
> file prime.out
> prime.out: ELF 64-bit MSB executable, SPARC V9, relaxed memory ordering,
> (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for NetBSD 6.1.5, not
> stripped
> gcc stream.c -o stream.out -lm
> file stream.out
> stream.out: ELF 64-bit MSB executable, SPARC V9, relaxed memory ordering,
> (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for NetBSD 6.1.5, not
> stripped
> qemu rth7680 tcg-search-2
> cd ~/
> rm -rf qemu
> git clone git://github.com/rth7680/qemu.git
> git checkout tcg-search-2
> cd qemu
> ./configure --target-list=sparc64-softmmu
> make
> prime.out runtimes
> 11.22 real 11.19 user 0.00 sys
>  8.99 real  8.96 user 0.01 sys
>  9.03 real  8.99 user 0.01 sys
>  8.98 real  8.92 user 0.02 sys
> stream benchmark results
> #1
> Function    Best Rate MB/s  Avg time     Min time     Max time
> Copy:             277.5     0.584221     0.576543     0.599850
> Scale:            178.4     0.915691     0.896731     0.973512
> Add:              215.3     1.136872     1.114746     1.185749
> Triad:            166.5     1.473816     1.441169     1.525007
> #2
> Function    Best Rate MB/s  Avg time     Min time     Max time
> Copy:             278.1     0.577109     0.575259     0.583267
> Scale:            179.3     0.901238     0.892399     0.911371
> Add:              215.2     1.124701     1.115341     1.176286
> Triad:            167.0     1.448070     1.437424     1.457319
> #3
> Function    Best Rate MB/s  Avg time     Min time     Max time
> Copy:             276.5     0.580420     0.578757     0.583966
> Scale:            179.8     0.898168     0.889899     0.903530
> Add:              212.7     1.130851     1.128318     1.136284
> Triad:            164.1     1.464667     1.462173     1.467856
> #4
> Function    Best Rate MB/s  Avg time     Min time     Max time
> Copy:             276.0     0.580713     0.579757     0.583575
> Scale:            177.8     0.906521     0.899661     0.910353
> Add:              213.9     1.124599     1.122229     1.128944
> Triad:            166.0     1.450210     1.446169     1.457350
> g++ src/pugixml.cpp -g -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -std=c++0x -c -MMD
> -MP
> compile times
> 156.49 real 149.09 user 6.97 sys
> 156.54 real 149.01 user 6.86 sys
> 155.91 real 148.71 user 6.93 sys
> 156.51 real 149.12 user 6.83 sys
> qemu git master
> cd ~/
> rm -rf qemu
> git clone git://git.qemu-project.org/qemu.git
> cd qemu
> ./configure --target-list=sparc64-softmmu
> make
> prime.out runtimes
> 9.32 real 9.26 user 0.03 sys
> 8.98 real 8.92 user 0.04 sys
> 8.97 real 8.93 user 0.02 sys
> 9.00 real 8.97 user 0.02 sys
> stream benchmark results
> #1
> Function    Best Rate MB/s  Avg time     Min time     Max time
> Copy:             276.6     0.584092     0.578538     0.592748
> Scale:            179.0     0.908465     0.893868     0.924004
> Add:              215.5     1.122398     1.113689     1.128655
> Triad:            167.6     1.449198     1.432321     1.457774
> #2
> Function    Best Rate MB/s  Avg time     Min time     Max time
> Copy:             276.8     0.579905     0.577936     0.585222
> Scale:            177.6     0.916502     0.900911     0.924964
> Add:              213.0     1.128311     1.126591     1.132405
> Triad:            167.7     1.441520     1.431449     1.447586
> #3
> Function    Best Rate MB/s  Avg time     Min time     Max time
> Copy:             278.4     0.576423     0.574611     0.580779
> Scale:            179.4     0.899889     0.892094     0.904380
> Add:              215.6     1.117374     1.112954     1.128532
> Triad:            165.1     1.457329     1.453899     1.465867
> #4
> Function    Best Rate MB/s  Avg time     Min time     Max time
> Copy:             278.1     0.578641     0.575289     0.586838
> Scale:            178.7     0.903208     0.895518     0.907769
> Add:              210.8     1.144200     1.138318     1.156063
> Triad:            165.2     1.459674     1.453116     1.479194
> g++ src/pugixml.cpp -g -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -std=c++0x -c -MMD
> -MP
> compile times
> 156.85 real 148.98 user 7.17 sys
> 157.05 real 149.99 user 6.78 sys
> 157.48 real 150.25 user 6.92 sys
> 156.50 real 149.06 user 6.60 sys

Artyom Tarasenko

SPARC and PPC PReP under qemu blog: http://tyom.blogspot.com/search/label/qemu

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