On 08/24/2015 11:56 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:

>> (C) Run in a mixed locale
>>     Whenever something breaks, we switch another LC_ to the C locale.
>>     Can partially break GTK's internationalization.
>> I happily concede that (A) would be best.  Until the manpower to pull it
>> off appears, I recommend (B), because it's safer than (C), and avoids
>> inconsistent localization, such as German messages combined with
>> non-German number formatting.
> It seems the only thing that we really care about being localized is
> the messages catalogue, so the GTK UI gets internationalization in
> its menus / dialogs / etc. As such I think that we should do the
> opposite of (C). ie run every LC_* in the C locale, except for
> LC_MESSAGES which we allow to be localized.
> This avoids any unpredictable functional consequences (like number
> formatting) while still giving user decent localization in the UI

Except that the LC_MESSAGES catalog may include messages such as "blah
%d blah" that get translated for use as a printf argument, and the lack
of matching LC_NUMERIC will make the translation look wrong.
Translators often assume that their translation is being used with
everything else about the locale matching the locale of the translation.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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