On 01/29/2015 08:54 AM, Dr. David Alan Gilbert wrote:
>> The idea of a QMP command to trigger incoming migration looks
>> reasonable.  We can probably use a qapi union for a nicer syntax,
>> something like:
>> {"execute": "migrate-incoming", "arguments": {
>>   "type": "tcp", "port": 44 } }
>> vs.
>> {"execute": "migrate-incoming", "arguments": {
>>   "type": "fd", "fd": 0 } }
>> vs.
>> {"execute": "migrate-incoming", "arguments": {
>>   "type": "exec", "command": [ "cat", "/path/to/file" ] } }
>> and so forth.
> Compared to just taking a URI argument that Dan suggested, that's quite a
> bit of rework to do the reworking of each transport which is pretty
> trivial.

Yes, but getting the interface right means that adding future extensions
will be easier, with less string parsing hacks.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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